Everyone’s favorite Destiny 2 dog, Archie, is back in the tower with the new Into The Light update. However, he’s not in his usual spot, and we’re going to have to go on a hunt to find out what he’s up to. After all, there’s a triumph titled “Where in the System is Archie?” that rewards players with the Blue Steel shader. So let’s track down the robo-pup and get that reward.
The first step requires going to Archie’s spot right outside of Ada-1’s Synthweave shop in the Tower. You’ll be able to spot Archie’s old whereabouts by the glowing paw prints on the ground. If you’re looking at the entrance to Ada-1’s location, do a 180 and walk the opposite way. You’ll see a blanket and pillows on a stone tile floor. This is where you’ll begin the quest.

After interacting with the paw prints, turn around and speak to Ada-1 to pick up the quest.
The next step of the quest reads, “Archie heard about something called ‘ramen’ and had to know what all the buzz was about.” So now you’ll head to the Courtyard area of the Tower. Here, look for the ramen shop marked by bar stools and an open counter window.

There’s a neon ramen bowl sign on the wall. Here you’ll find the next set of paw prints.
The next step reads, “Archie wanted to go pay his respects to a famous gunslinger.” Now we will need to head over to the memorial to Cayde-6 by the giant Ironwood Tree to the left of Commander Zavala.

After grabbing the next set of paw prints, the quest reads, “Archie took off past the security checkpoint to salute a feathered friend.”
Head to the Hangar and look to the right once you enter. You’ll spot the glowing paw prints on a blue blanket just to the right of Amanda Holliday’s old ship spot. Interact with the paw prints to move on to the final step of the quest.

“Archie’s last stop. He wandered into an open airduct in the hangar and might’ve gotten a little lost. A friendly security frame is keeping an eye on him.”
This one is far more difficult to get to than the other stops on this journey so far. You’ll want to climb to the top of the highest staircase on the far left side of the hangar. Once you’re on top, follow the path until you’re near the entrance to the hangar.

Here, you’ll need to jump onto the ledge above the main entrance to the hangar. This will allow you to follow the air ducts and path all the way around to the security checkpoint. After following a bit of a linear path, you’ll find Archie. Interact with him to complete this step.
Now return to Ada-1 to finish the quest and grab your new Blue Steel shader.